Nigerian girl emerges best graduating student at American university

20 year old Delta state born Merrilyn Akpapuna (pictured above) on May 10th 2014 emerged overall Best Graduating Student of Dillard University, an Ivy League school in New Orleans, USA.

Merrilyn, the daughter of a dental surgeon, graduated with a first class honors in Psychology. She also won two other awards for highest academic achievements for the College of Arts and Sciences and College of General Studies.

Her feat made her share the podium with US First Lady, Michelle Obama, who attended the school's convocation. Merrilyn is pictured above with the President of Dillard University, Dr Walter Kimbrough. 

Three other Nigerians also shined at the convocation ceremony. Victor Ogburie, Stephen Igwe, and Emole Anyadimgba all graduated with first class honors in their various discipline.

Victor Ogburie (left), 24, graduated with first class in Computer Science. Emole Anyadimgba (middle), 27, from Abia state graduated with a first class in Computer Science. Stephen Igwe (right) 26, graduated with a first class in Biology major.

Source SharpEdge

Posted April, 22 2018

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